What does Receding Hairline mean?
A receding hairline means the thinning and simultaneous loss of hair take place on the scalp. The typical sign of receding Hairline refers to the appearance at the temple, subsequently shifting towards the crown. It results in baldness on the top and front areas of the scalp. The problem occurs at a comparatively higher rate in men than in women. In women, the problem may result in the thinning of hair around their hair partition. That’s why it is also called Male Pattern Baldness which goes high with age.

Before getting into the solutions, we should know some facts:
What are the root causes of Receding Hairline?
Heredity (Family History) may be the most common reason for receding Hairline. The changes in the DHT hormone, produced from testosterone (male hormone) by the action of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, are solely responsible for transforming the healthier Hairline into a thinner one. One can lose almost 100-150 hairs daily, but more than that is not normal. Some external stimuli can damage the hair follicle and cause receding Hairline. Besides all these, stress, certain medications, and age can also show their adverse effect to cause such problems.
Age– Along with age, everyone gets introduced to the slow-down of the regeneration of hair follicles on the scalp. In turn, this can result in thinning of hair, especially on the front of the head, and causes hairlines to recede.
Hormonal Imbalance– The imbalance of hormones is a common problem nowadays. It can take place due to several reasons in men as well as women. The hormonal reason for men to lose hair is the change in the DHT hormone, but the same is inconclusive in the case of women.
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Medications– The thinning of hair from the scalp can also occur from the side effects of certain medications related to the diseases like cancer, gout, depression, anxiety, blood pressure, heart diseases, etc.
Family History or Heredity– It is a significant reason for hair loss. The ones with a family history of hair loss and baldness are incredibly susceptible to the hairline receding problem. The times one begins to face the condition are controlled by external stimuli like physical and mental health, stress, etc.
Stress/ Depression– A principal reason to have baldness or Hairline receding issues through physical or mental stress and depression. It causes more hair fall, thus impacting the body along with the hair scalp.
Which signs and symptoms can tell you about Receding Hairline?
Primarily, one can notice hair loss from the scalp’s temple region; subsequently, the back side of the head also comes under consideration. This V-shaped hair growth on the front of the scalp is generally termed a Widow’s Peak. It often leaves one with ring-like baldness around the back of the head.

Signs that indicate your Hairline is receding:
Uneven Hairline– If one is losing the majority of hair from the front of the head and near the forehead, it clearly shows the red signal to indicate the receding Hairline.
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Thinning of hair around the temple region– The hair loss near the temple region is also a warning about receding Hairline.
Increased rate of hair falling than usual– If one faces the fall of more than 100-150 hair strands in a day, then it is a significant symptom of thinning and the recession of the Hairline.
What is the procedure for Hairline Receding?
Male pattern baldness generally occurs through some distinct steps. Initially, the scalp can look like uneven hair and gradually form a distinct M shape. It mainly lets the hair on the top or back of the scalp leave the head and create a bald spot.
These two steps then spread and finally meet to form a more prominent bald spot on the head. Eventually, it leaves a horse-shoe-like ring just around the front and back sides of the head.
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Why is the Recession of Hairline primarily seen in men?
The condition, named Androgenic Alopecia, is more prominent in men than women. It is responsible for shrinking the hair follicles and making them weaker to be active to grow new hairs. Men can only form androgens like DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) which comes out as a by-product of the male hormone, testosterone.

When to see a dermatologist?
When one experiences hair fall of more than 100-150 hairs every day, creating circular areas on the scalp, it is time to get help from a specialist.
How do you detect or diagnose the Receding Hairline issue?
· Dermatologists, in general, perform the “Pull Test,” in which they begin to pull several hair strands to check how many hairs are coming out quickly without putting extreme pressure. This technique helps them to be assured about the severity of the hair falling problem.
· A vital device, Trichoscopy, is discovered and used by dermatologists to diagnose and intervene in hair fall. Dermatologists sometimes suggest a biopsy of the scalp tissues or hairs to clear their doubts and detect the main reason behind this condition. They also get the assurance that the hair-fall results from any scalp infection or something else. A small portion of one’s scalp is scraped, and the scraped sample is then tested to check whether any signs of infection or illness are there or not, which may be causing the hair to fall.
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· Another option considered by dermatologists is Blood tests. The blood tests show the assured results whether the condition appears from disorders like thyroid, anemia, etc.
· One should go for a proper diagnosis by the dermatologist before going for any treatment to treat the Receding Hairline. Dermatologists even can suggest which treatment can bring fruitful results to oneself.
How to treat Receding Hairlines?
Nowadays, various treatments are available for receding hairline, but which is suitable for a patient depends on the cause and severity. Reverse a receding hairline may be possible depending on the cause behind it. Before going for any treatment, visit a dermatologist or a doctor about your symptoms and ask what treatment options are best for you.

· Platelet Rich Plasma
The most common and effective non-invasive treatment for hair restoration is PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma. The platelets in the patient’s blood are taken to make PRP and injected into the scalp where the problem occurs. PRP plays the role of fertilizer after injecting them into the scalp. It enables the hair to grow thicker and more robust. It stimulates the hair follicles to improve hair growth and reduce hairline recession.
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The dermatologists scoop out a small amount of blood from the arm portion of the patients, and they are then processed under a centrifuge machine which helps to spin the blood at an elevated speed which results in the separation of the red blood cells from the plasma. It leads the plasma to hold the enriched growth factors only. Then the Platelet Rich Plasma comes to the point to get injected into the scalp of the thinning areas. The entire process consumes almost half an hour and sometimes varies depending on the severity of the problem. The technique can only be applied to the patient it is drawn from.
The dermatologists generally recommend monthly sessions for at least six months for better results. One should have done PRP before it is too late to control.
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What is the success rate of PRP in treating the receding hairline?
PRP is an old technique that has been used for decades. The injections exhibit great success in decreasing the rate of hair thinning and result in non-invasively growing hair. It is a common question from the patient’s end whether PRP is a good choice or not. Before considering the question, it should be clear that the success rate of PRP depends upon the patient’s condition, Family history, and biological factors. There is no consensus on the particular success rate of PRP in the hairline recession, and it shows results between 70 to 90% for the average patient.
No treatment can work well without maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Undoubtedly, VIP also involves factors that can reduce the effects, such as smoking, bright baldness, recession from other medical conditions, or side effects of medicines. Although, it is wise to fix the problem with 4 to 6 treatments and carry out the touch-up treatment for almost one year.
· LLLT (Low-Level Light Therapy)
The Low- Level Light Therapy is also known as Low-Level Laser Therapy. This treatment has been under consideration for about a decade but could not reach the buzz of platelet plasma therapy. It would be the best choice for those searching for more flexible treatment to fit them into their busy schedules.
The LLLT generally uses a helmet that is made out of the treatments such as iRestore and iGrow. The helmet utilizes LED lights which form cellular energy, ATP. The outermost skin layer takes off the ATP, which stimulates the growth of the hair follicles, like the plants. LLLT makes the patients wear the helmet every other day for almost six months, and the dermatologist suggests the patients carry on treatment every two weeks to maintain the results.
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LLLT is a cheaper option than PRP and great for those who are not willing to spend much. The efficacy of the treatment solely depends upon the problem of the patients.
What is the success rate of LLLT therapy?
Several studies and research have proven that Low-Level Light Therapy can reduce or even stop the hairline recession in men and women at almost 85%. Patients undergoing LLLT treatment can notice massive effective results within a few sessions. Patients also experience stimulation of follicles and new hair growth in 55% of the cases.
· Hair Transplantation:
A hair transplant is a more permanent solution to treat receding hairline. In this procedure, the doctor moves hair from the donor area of the scalp’s back. Then they place them on the receding scalp or areas of thin hair in the front of your head. This treatment results are generally outstanding and natural and give your hairline a fuller appearance. People typically notice new hair growth after a few months of the treatment. It may take 2-3 days for healing after the session.

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· Botox treatment
Botox is a versatile technique that shows possible results, from smoothing out wrinkles to fixing the problem of residing hairlines. Botox involves the utilization of injections so that the muscles in the scalp feel relaxed. Then it stimulates the blood flow, which in turn promotes hair growth. As we have already discussed that heredity plays a vital role in the recession of hair lines, Botox is highly recommended for those with genetic hair loss.
The Botox treatment consumes almost 100 to 150 units of neurotoxin. Then neurotoxins are applied to the scalp through an injection syringe. According to the specialist, Botox should have an application every six months.
How common and efficient is Botox treatment in Receding Hairline?
Botox is a widespread injection that deals with relaxing the scalp muscles and enhancing the blood flow to elevate the delivery of nutrients to the hair follicles. Botox treatment can show a significant difference at the end of 6 months of having the therapy. The injections of Botox only work well when the hair follicles are still alive and can regrow.
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· Micro-needling

All can’t have the benefit of using topical applications and oral medicines. Micro-needling is another option to choose as a scalp therapy. The treatment relies on promoting the regeneration of hair. In micro-needling, the numbing of the scalp takes place initially to make the patients comfortable during the pinpricks involved in the process.
How efficient is Micro-needling?
The research on this topic expresses that treating receding hairlines is an excellent solution. It cannot show complete elimination of residing hairline but can work to a greater extent.
· Derma Rollers

Derma Rollers is another non-invasive choice to help one regain hairline. The derma roller causes minute punctures onto the scalp, activating the hair follicles and regenerating new hairs.
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Apart from treatments:
Healthy Diet
Along with the treatments, one must eat a healthy diet rich in antioxidant foods to get healthier-looking hair. Antioxidants rich foods like spinach, blueberries, walnuts, and kidney beans fight oxidative stress and contribute to healthy hair growth. The vitamins and minerals essential for hair aging are vitamins A, E, B12, zinc, and iron. One may include lots of green vegetables, seeds, and nuts in your diet to improve your hair’s appearance and feel.
Since hair is made of protein, protein plays a massive role in hair growth. You must include protein in your diet, which helps hair grow faster and give hair a beautiful, healthy shine.
In addition to vitamins and minerals, there are dietary supplements that promote healthy hair growth. Plant-based supplements like biotin, Nutrafol, Hairtamin, or a multivitamin with a mixture of vitamins and minerals can support hair growth. But to correct receding hairline, you must choose the right supplements by consulting your derma specialist.
Topical solutions offered by Dermatologists
Topical solutions are the easiest way to treat receding hairlines. One may switch to a chemical-free mild shampoo containing ketoconazole as an active ingredient that will be gentle on your hair and promote growth by stimulating hair follicles.
Some essential oils give promising results for a receding hairline. Peppermint oil, Rosemary oil, and Lavender oil have all been found to be very effective for hair growth. Before applying to the scalp, Essential oils should be blended with any carrier oil like coconut oil, Almond oil, or Jojoba oil.
Research has shown that regular scalp massage at least 4 minutes daily may help get thicker and healthier hair. Scalp massage increases blood circulation at the site of your hairline, which works to stimulate hair follicles and promotes hair growth.
Minoxidil is a clinically proven medical solution that works wonders to stimulate hair growth in approximately 40% of people who use it. Minoxidil (Rogaine) is the most common over-the-counter (OTC) medication applied twice a day to the affected areas of your hairline. It increases blood circulation and strengthens hair follicles and thus promoting healthier hair growth and helping to treat receding hairline. To get a positive result, you must persistently use the medicine without any skip.
How to prevent the Recession of Hairline?
· One has to maintain a healthy lifestyle and must ensure that the diet has all the recommended quantity of required vitamins and minerals. Poor food habits can lead to loss of hair follicles along with nails and skin problems.
· Following the prescribed medication schedule is highly recommended if one is facing hairline recession due to scalp infection. Otherwise, the body cannot maintain the hair follicles’ health, resulting in permanent baldness and hair loss.
· Besides all these, high-tension hair styling should also be ignored as the high pigtails or ponytails can destroy the hair shaft and lead to hair loss.
· Another prevention one can take by protecting their hair while sleeping, which can slow down the effects of hair loss. A satin or silk pillow cover is the preferable choice to sleep with as it forms less friction, letting the hair slide across the pillow instead of pushing across, which happens using cotton pillowcases.
· Not only good diet and good habits can save one from losing hair. A routine of exercise and meditation also play a vital role in putting the brain and the whole body in a relaxed state, which can deal with the hair loss problem positively.
· One should comb the hair lightly and avoid brushing and combing it when wet, as wet hair is more fragile and susceptible to breakage. Deep conditioners and natural oils must come under the hair care routine to prevent hairline receding.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Can wearing the hair up of the head lead to Hairline receding?
Yes, wearing the hair up with tight ponytails and buns can lead the Hairline to recede. This type of hair styling causes Traction Alopecia which comes through extreme strain on the hair follicles and lets the hair break and fall off abnormally.
Is it possible for women to achieve the regrowth of hair in the area of receding Hairline?
Yes, women can achieve the regrowth of hair on the receded Hairline. There are several therapies dermatologists offer to treat the condition.
How popular is a receding hairline? Although receding hairline is seen both in males and females but is more popular in males. For men, a receding hairline can start at any point of age after the end of puberty. Most commonly, men undergo the receding hairline problem in their late 30s.
Can a receding hairline grow back? Well, this is a common question everyone has. If we genuinely speak, then it is not impossible to get back the receding hairline. But for all, it is not mandatory to have as it depends upon the cause. Dermatologists always recommend initiating the treatment for a receding hairline as early as possible to prevent worsening. The growing back of the receding hairline depends upon the dormancy of the hair follicle. If dormant hair follicles with proper blood flow are there, then the improvement of the hairline is possible. But if the hair follicle dies off, the receding hairlines can return.