Are you on the fence about whether or not to get laser hair removal? Laser hair removal is one of the most trending options to eliminate unwanted hair from different parts of our body. And the most amazing thing about laser hair removal is that it gives you the freedom to flaunt hair-free skin for the long term.
Not only women, but in the era of gender equality, even men desire smooth and hair-free skin so that they don’t need to bother about giving much thought or spending much time managing unwanted hair now and then. The hassles of shaving, waxing, threading and epilating are also a deterrent. And the pain that all those hair removal procedures bring needs no mention.

Laser hair removal is an excellent procedure if you hate shaving or waxing, like most women and men. But it is not simple to go for laser hair removal, just like waxing. It often takes time to decide whether or not you must opt for your first laser hair removal session. And when the decision you need to make is about getting your first laser procedure done on the face, it seems more complicated.
However, the awareness regarding laser hair removal for the face is increasing alongside technological advancements in aesthetic lasers. For instance, dermatologists and aestheticians mix different lasers to make the treatment more effective for the face and gain excellent results in just a few sessions.
Laser hair removal has the potency to eliminate at least 90% of hair growth from your face in one go. However, sometimes more than one treatment is recommended for patients. To understand why several sessions of laser treatment are needed, you must first understand how laser hair removal works.
How Does Laser Removal Work On Your Face?
Laser is not radiation but light energy of specific wavelengths. The laser used in the procedure targets specific molecules in the tissues, especially the melanosomes present in the root of the hair. The light energy then gets converted into heat energy and blasts the roots. But while damaging the roots, the laser leaves the surrounding skin intact. Melanosomes are highly concentrated within the hair root compared to the surrounding skin. Therefore they are easy to target specifically.

Though in laser hair removal, permanent reduction in her density is promised, some hairs can still regrow after a single course of therapy. Therefore some patients might need ongoing laser treatment. During laser hair removal for the face, the damage done to your hair follicle is minimal, and it takes up to 6 treatment sessions to retard the growth of your facial hairs.
What Are The Types Of Laser Hair Removal For The Face?
Most people think that similar types of laser systems are used for hair removal at different parts of the body. The reality is that there are many options when it comes to the apparatus used in laser hair removal. The most common types of hair removal laser systems are:
· Diode
· Ruby
· Alexandrite
· Nd: Yag
All the laser systems are different; some lasers are better for specific hair types than others. Moreover, some lasers work better for individuals with darker skin tones. Let’s know about all the 5 top lasers for permanent hair reduction and their advantages and disadvantages so that you can choose the best laser for facial hair removal.
Diode hair removal lasers are newly introduced in the laser hair removal market. There are semiconductors in diode hair removal machines that are the primary energy source to create laser beams with a wavelength between 800-810 nm. With their longer wavelength, Diode laser machines penetrate better into the hair follicles, and this type of laser is generally safe for all skin types. Diode hair removal is popular among men seeking treatment to remove facial hair as the diode is ideal for removing thick hair.
The most popular diode systems are:
· Mediostar
· Lightsheer
· Laserlite
· Apex
· Epistar
Ruby hair removal laser machine is the pioneer in the laser hair removal industry. This system was developed for permanent hair reduction during the introductory level of laser hair removal. This laser system has a short wavelength of 694nm, which is ideal for targeting melanin. Ruby laser hair removal system is a perfect fit for men and women looking to remove light and thin hair. But this laser is not recommended for people who have a darker skin tone. The dermatologists and the aestheticians take long pauses between laser pulses as the Ruby laser system can be a little uncomfortable when repeated fast.
Furthermore, another reason why Ruby laser hair removal is done with slower repetition is that this laser requires more time than other laser systems. However, it is less painful. Hence, this laser system is ideal for the face and other small treatment areas.
Some of the most popular Ruby laser systems are:
· Epipulse Ruby
· Rubystar
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Alexandrite laser system is one of the most popular laser hair removal systems. It is also known for its speed; it can cover a large treatment area in less than 30 minutes. The only downside of the alexandrite hair removal laser system is that the patients sometimes feel a little pain because of the fast laser repetition. Therefore, dermatologists and aestheticians consider the alexandrite laser the least comfortable laser hair removal system. However, newer machines have also been built with time to improve the patient experience. And there is another alexandrite laser system with a wavelength of 755nm that can ideally target melanin in hair follicles of individuals with light and olive skin tones.
The most popular alexandrite laser systems are:
· Gentlelase
· Candela
· Epitouch plus
IPL Implies intense pulsed light. In this laser hair removal system, no actual laser is utilized, but an equivalent form of pulsed light is used. The system initiate photo thermolysis by pulsing thermal energy in the hair follicles absorbed by melanin. The advantage of this laser hair removal system is that dermatologists can customize the wavelength, pulse duration, and energy level depending on the requirement.
The most popular IPL systems are:
· Quantum
· Vasculight
· Epilight
· Photoderm
ND: Yag
This laser system is built with the latest advancements in cosmetic laser technology. Alongside effectively removing hair, this system has many other applications, including laser skin resurfacing, tattoo removal, etc. ND: Yag Laser systems operate at a wavelength of 1064 nm. And mainly, this laser system targets the melanin found in skin and hair. However, carbon is a better chromophore at such a longer wavelength than melanin. Therefore before treatment with this system, the dermatologists apply a carbon lotion to the skin and then remove the unwanted body hair after the carbon is absorbed. In ND: Yag laser system, the laser targets carbon instead of melanin, and this laser systems are safe for any skin type, including tanned skins.
Read more about Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?
The most common ND: Yag systems are:
· Candela
· Lyra
· Cutera
· Cynosure
· Gentleyag
· Sciton
How To Prepare For Laser Hair Removal For The Face?
If you are going for facial laser hair removal for the first time and are unsure how to prepare, that is fine. By now, you already know about the different types of laser systems and the inconvenience they can cause. However, with an experienced dermatologist specializing in laser hair removal, you will have a smooth and hassle-free experience of facial laser hair removal.

Since this is your first time having laser hair removal treatment, you might have specific questions like:
· Is a patch test done before the laser hair removal treatment?
· How to prepare your skin for the treatment?
· What happens during a laser session?
· What to expect from your first facial laser hair removal session?
· How to care for your skin after the procedure?
Keep reading, as we will answer all your questions one by one.
Before you get into the first facial laser hair removal treatment session, you need to have a full consultation followed by a patch test. During the consultation, the dermatologist or aesthetician listens carefully to know your needs and goals. You might ask them as many questions as possible, including their background, experience, and treatment.
The choice of the laser system and the number of sessions required are determined considering the strength of your hair follicles which are mainly determined by genetics. Your dermatologist will explain the entire procedure and give you an estimated number of sessions required. They will also explain the hair growth cycles and how laser therapy works.
Read more about How Much Does Permanent Laser Hair Removal Cost in India?
What Is A Laser Hair Removal Patch Test, And Who Needs A Patch Test?
After your dermatologist determines that you are a suitable candidate for facial laser hair removal, your dermatologist might ask you to perform a patch test if your skin is currently tanned. A patch test is done at least 24 hours before the first hair removal session. And in the patch test session, your dermatologist will incorporate a laser at a small part of your face and monitor how it works.
Even if you have done laser hair removal on other areas of your body, you still need a patch test if you get laser done on your face for the first time. This is because, for some individuals, laser hair removal brings fatal side effects, especially to those who have more sensitive skin. Also, even after several laser treatment sessions, your dermatologist still needs to make a patch test as your skin condition, laser technology, and circumstances might change since the last time you had your laser hair removal session.
How To Get Ready For A Facial Laser Hair Removal Procedure?
To get the most out of your laser hair removal sessions and to keep yourself safe, it is better to follow your practitioner’s advice about preparing your skin. Here is the most common advice you are likely to receive from your dermatologist or medical practitioner:
Avoid tanning-Whether it is sun tan, fake tan, or sunbeds; it is mandatory to avoid allowing your skin to tan before laser hair removal treatment. Tanned skin is prone to getting burned by the laser. Therefore if you have a fake tan on your face, it is necessary to remove it before the treatment to avoid putting yourself at risk. However, if your skin is tanned, it is better to wait at least four weeks before you get your laser treatment.
Don’t wax: Sugaring or waxing is a complete no-no before a facial hair removal session. This hair removal option changes the growth cycle of the hair. Therefore it becomes hard for the laser to catch the hair follicles at the correct depth. And the result you are expecting from your laser hair removal session will be hard to achieve.
Don’t bleach: Remember, the darker the hair follicles, the easier it becomes for the laser to see them. Therefore, do not bleach your facial hair before going for your session.
Avoid cosmetic creams: Before your first session, you must keep your skin away from any cosmetic creams. However, your dermatologist will also use sanitary towels at the beginning of the session to clean the area.
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What Happens When The Treatment Day Arrives?
On the day of your laser hair removal treatment, it is essential to reach the clinic on time, so your session can be completed smoothly. Your dermatologist will welcome you to the treatment room, and you can expect complete privacy while getting the treatment done.
First, your dermatologist will check the growth of the hair and assess if it is suitable for the treatment. Once everything seems fine, they will clean the treatment area and mark it with a white pen to ensure that no part is missed. While some dermatologists apply numbing cream before the treatment, in many cases, numbing creams are not necessary.
Before starting the treatment, you will be given a pair of special goggles to protect your eyes. Next, your dermatologist will ask you to lie back and close your eyes because it is crucial that you never look at the laser with the naked eye, as it can be hazardous.
During the procedure, your dermatologist might take short pauses to ensure you are comfortable. Sometimes they can even use the cold layer function to soothe your skin after treating a particular area. If you have sensitive skin, they will start treating a small area and proceed in small patches to ensure the treatment goes easier.
The dermatologist can change the machine’s setting during the treatment, which is done to adopt the best consistency and power for your face. Your dermatologists can repeatedly ask you during the process to know if you are comfortable.
The sensation of laser varies from one person to another. And it also varies depending upon the treatment area. Therefore if your friend has shared their experience of being slightly itchy, you might not feel the same while laser hair removal is done on you. Your hair color, skin type, hair density, and other factors impact how the laser will feel on your skin.
How To Take Care Of Your Skin After Laser Hair Removal?
The laser targets the hair follicles and does not harm the surrounding skin. But still, there are specific rules you need to follow to avoid harming your skin and keep your comfort levels to the maximum. After the session, your dermatologist will apply some soothing cream or aloe Vera gel to the treatment area.
In the first 24 hours, you might experience some redness on the treated area, and therefore, your dermatologist might ask you to apply an ice pack with a clean cloth on your skin. You must avoid sunlight and prevent using any chemical products for 24 hours while keeping yourself away from hot showers, saunas, and sun baths. It takes up to 6 weeks for the hair follicles on your face to return to their appropriate stage for the subsequent laser treatment.
Right after the procedure, your skin will become a little vulnerable; therefore, using harsh chemicals on your skin can indicate the treated area. Wait for a minimum of 24 hours before you apply any makeup on your skin post the session. However, you must apply good sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30 generously over the face, especially in the treated area.
What Is The Cost Of Facial Laser Hair Removal In Hyderabad?
The cost of laser hair removal for your face varies depending upon the location of your dermatologist’s clinic, how experienced your dermatologist is, what laser system they are using, how many sessions you require, and the current condition of your skin, etc. However, the charges for complete facial hair removal may vary from ₹2000 to ₹4500. The cost may also vary in males and females as the texture of the hair is different in both.
Alongside paying for the laser hair removal session, some places also charge a marginal fee of ₹5000 or ₹1000 for the consultation and the design of the course of treatment. Always choose a certified derma clinic to get your laser hair removal treatment done. If you are in Hyderabad and looking for the best clinic for laser hair removal for your face, visit We help you choose the right clinic from the convenience of your home. We connect you with licensed, trained, and certified medical practitioners with years of experience in laser hair removal.